Welcome to Albion Via Education Group, a platform which we believe will provide you with the best services in order for you to take the right and suitable educational path.
Albion Via Education prides itself on its extensive and multi-faceted academic and in the field experience which exceeds 20 years. Our qualified and highly trained academic and technical advisors and counsellors will put all their expertise at your service and will guide you through every step of the journey until you join your carefully selected programme.
We, alongside our partner universities, colleges higher education institutions and language schools and colleges in addition to all our other partners will spare no effort to help you make the right decision which is the closest to your aspirations and requirements.
Do interact with us whenever you feel you need assistance or guidance. Remember, “knowledge is only given to those who seek it” .
Dr. H Lounis, CEO
Dr. H Lounis, CEO
Our Services
Our Vision
Cultivate excellence in each learner and help them attain their targets and potentials.
Our Mission
Provide our students with an array of learning paths and alternatives which suit their needs.
Why Albion Via Education?
While working in UK higher education, we developed a privileged professional relationship with a very large number of key players in universalities’ International Offices, executives as well as prominent members of academic staff in different institutions. All these together, we believe puts us at forefront of all our competitors. Our staff are highly trained on the latest developments in higher education field and in particular the UK’s, they together form a multitude of cross-cultural knowledge and diversities, they are trilingual (English/Arabic and French) and have opted to be involved in Albion Via Education out of passion for helping students achieve excellence in learning.
Albion Via Education has established partnerships with a number of UK higher education institutions in different part of the UK.

Head of International Office,
Albion Via is UK-based higher education services company which serves the Middle East and North Africa. It is a newly established firm whose founders have a 20-year hand-on experience in recruiting students for different higher education courses and qualifications for UK universities and language aptitude schools and colleges.
Best regards,
Dr. Hassane Lounis
General Director

AVE is Green!
Albion Via Education is very committed to creating a green work environment. It, therefore, strives to operate paperless strategy and handprints as much as physically possible in all its operations and offices.Support for customers with special needs
AVE is fully mindful that some of its customers have special needs and is fully committed to providing them with the best and adequate services. We strive to keep up to date with internationally recognized recommendations for those who may have medical, mental, psychological or physical conditions.
Our staff are trained on the latest trends on nationally and internationally backed practices in this area. Do not hesitate to take to us if you need help.

Our team
Why Albion Via Education?
While working in UK higher education, we developed a privileged professional relationship with a very large number of key players in universalities’ International Offices, executives as well as prominent members of academic staff in different institutions. All these together, we believe puts us at forefront of all our competitors. Our staff are highly trained on the latest developments in higher education field and in particular the UK’s, they together form a multitude of cross-cultural knowledge and diversities, they are trilingual (English/Arabic and French) and have opted to be involved in Albion Via Education out of passion for helping students achieve excellence in learning.
Albion Via Education has established partnerships with a number of UK higher education institutions in different part of the UK. The diversity of these institutions, the particularities of each institutions, their characteristics and perhaps even their geographic location will provide you with a rich pool to choose from
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10 Years of Experience
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Professional Editing
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