Fees Structure
The UK is one of the most popular destinations for international students. It’s home to some world-class institutions and culturally diverse cities, but it comes at a cost.Tuition fees often exceed £10,000 a year, and you’ll need to pay student living costs on top of that. So, you’ll need to budget carefully to avoid hardship and financial difficulties.
In 2021/22, annual tuition fees for international undergraduate students in the UK started at £11,400 and rose to as much as £32,081 for some courses. Annual tuition fees for international postgraduate students ranged between £6,500 £51,360 for some programmes. Fees for MBAs started at £8,500 and rose to as much as £63,000 for some programmes.
But as with undergraduate fees, most fall within a certain range. The majority of postgraduate courses at most universities charged between £12,000 – £25,000.
Tuition fees for international students vary hugely across universities, courses and levels of study. As such, it’s difficult to calculate an exact cost.Although there are no exact rules, here are four things you’ll want to take into consideration when pricing up your degree:
- The more prestigious a university, the more expensive it will likely be.
- Medical and science degrees will generally cost than lecture-based degrees. This is especially the case for courses that require expensive equipment or access to laboratories.
- The length of your course will affect its overall cost. This is because tuition fees are charged on a yearly basis.
- The level of study might also affect the cost. Although it’s not always the case, postgraduate and doctoral degrees can be more expensive than undergraduate.
Language Programmes
Many students also come to the UK to study a language at one of the country’s many language schools.
Prices vary across institutions. However, you could be paying around £70 a week for a standard full-time course (15 hours). Or, you might find it’s around £1,300 for a more intensive course lasting around 10 weeks. Again, prices vary depending on where you study and the service provided.
UK living costs for international students
Tuition fees aren’t the only cost you’ll have to account for when coming to study in the UK. You’ll need to budget for living costs as well.
You’ll need a Student visa to live and study in the UK. And to get this, you’ll be asked to prove you have enough money to cover your living expenses while here.This equates to £1,023 (£1,334 if you’ll be based in London) for each month of study for up to nine months. So to get the visa for a nine-month course, you’ll need at least £9,207 (£12,006 in London) in your bank account.
You’ll need to think about rent, bills, food, transport, books as well as travel to and from the UK.You’ll also need to consider the cost of the visa itself – currently £363.