Dr. Hassane Lounis – CEO
Dr. Hassane Lounis holds a Bachelor Degree from Algeria and a MA and a PhD from the UK. He taught in Algeria and the UK and recently as an advisor in Abu Dhabi, the UAE.

Mrs. Nisreen Alqatamin – Managing Director
Mrs. Nisreen Alqatamin holds a BSc and Masters degree from the University of Jordan. She worked as Office Manager of a major recruitment company in the Middle East and was responsible for training counsellors and developed many student recruitment resources.

Ms. Randa Zegouari – Operations Officer
Ms. Randa Zegouari holds Bachelor degree in journalism and a Masters in mass communication from the University of Algiers, Algeria. She speaks Arabic, English and French.

Miss Asma Ferarma – Student Counsellor and Advisor
Miss Asma Ferarma holds a Bachelor degree in English and Masters in Interpreting from the University of Arab League, Algeria. She speaks Arabic, English and French.

Mrs. Nawel Hamitouche – Student Counsellor and Advisor
Mrs. Nawel Hamitouche hold a BA in Psychology and one Master’s degree in English Literature and one in marketing and management She worked as translator/interpreter for AGB (Algeria Gulf Bank); soft skills counsellor and taught English in Turkey. She speaks Arabic, English and French.