Undergraduate studies
UG programmes are post A-Level (Baccalauréat in North Africa or Secondary Certificate/Thanaweyyah ‘ammah in the Middle East) generally completed at a university or a higher education institution. The average time to complete a bachelor degree is 3 years but some programmes last 4 or even 5 (Medicine). There are different time of bachelor degrees in the UK; Bachelor of Arts (BA), Bachelor of Education (BEd), Bachelor of Science (BSc), Bachelor of Engineering (BEng) and Bachelor of Law (LLB). Also there are three different bachelor degrees;- A programme leading to a degree.
- Intermediate qualification leading to a certificate or diploma.
- A programme which combines work experience and academic studies.
Top Up Programme
A top up programme is usually considered as equivalent to final year of undergraduate programme. It usually takes one year but some students might be asked to access this programme through foundation programme pathway. This programme is suitable for students with diploma degree or those who have not completed their final year of their undergraduate studies.

UCAS, the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service, is an independent charity, and the UK’s shared admissions service for higher education. Anyone who wants to study an undergraduate degree in the UK will need to apply through UCAS.
In order to apply to university within the UK your child will need to submit an online application through UCAS Thereare seven sections for completion:
1-Personal details; 2-Additional information; 3-Student finance:
4-Choices; 5 Education details 6-Personal statement 7-Employment.
The process itself is reasonably straightforward but much of the content requires considerable reparation before submission so this is absolutely not something to leave until the last minute Applications that have been usted and insufficiently thought through are obvious and a slapdash approach could jeopardise oportunities so ensure applicants invest plenty of time in making the application Our counselors are there to help you in every step throughout this process.
When to submit your application to UCAS?
UCAS deadlines are very strict and any delay in submitting your application on time might cause delay or miss out on opportunity toget to your elected coure Thedeadline for when you submit your application will depend on the university and course you are applying to. For most universities and courses, the deadline is January 15th each year, but an earlier deadline applies for applications to some specific course. Make sure you adhere to the deadlines set (for more details, consult Albion Via Education counselors) as this will allow time for applications to be checked, changes to be made and for school references to be written and submitted.
How many university courses can I apply to?
when making an application through UCAS, your will only be able to apply for a maximum of five courses in any one year. This can be five versions of the same course at five different universities, or five different courses al at the same university or any combination thereof.(for more details, consult Abion Via Education counselors)
Try to apply for a range of courses with different entry requirements in case academic expectations are surpassed or not met. It is usually advised to apply for a mix of aspirational, realistic and safe university options. Applying to a range of universities with similar entry requirements may prove to be a costly eror in receiving offes or not.
In some cases, universities automatically offer similar alternatives if an applicant doesn’t make their preferred choice, so using applications for multiple variations of a similar degree to the same university can be a wasted opportunity for more details, consult Abion Via Education counselors)